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Scafell Pike 5 Peak Challenge

Writer: lakeldmtnguideslakeldmtnguides

Out on a bespoke Scafell Pike 5 Peak Challenge today was Suzie, Sarah and Victoria, ably led by LMG Korrin and Trainee Sharon. Here's what Korrin had to say about their day...

'I will try but feel free to change anything!

A great day with 3 great friends that like to get away for adventures together wearing their signature pink leg warmers! The day started warm, full of optimism for an improving weather situation... it didn't happen! Well not until we dropped back into the valley, we reached Lingmell in good spirits and the good vibes kept us going all day, Scafell Pike had the usual hustel and bustle but with extra triathletes! The cloud and lack of views didn't detract from the overall experience and we all enjoyed navigating the wet, slippy, rocky terrain. The summit of Broad Crag and Ill Crag provided moments of quiet and the great end was in fact Great End, our 5th and final peak! Descending down Ruddy Gill and Grains Gill gave us some welcomed protection from elements and some great views of Borrowdale.'

Well done and thanks all!



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