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Writer's picturelakeldmtnguides

Cuillin Ridge Scrambling

🤩 Cuillin Adventures 🤯

At the weekend just gone LMG regulars spent two days scrambling and climbing on the world famous Cuillin Ridge. Their minds have been blown and I bet they're still smiling today!

The weather blessed them with two amazing (if a little chilly) days and so they made the most of it in the form of two 11 hour days on the hill.

Being led by our resident mountaineering instructor and Cuillin Ridge guru LMG Gibson, and assisted by LMG Ush, the group spent Saturday ascending Pinnacle Ridge into Sgurr Nan Gillean.

Sunday was to be more climbing oriented and they enjoyed an ascent of the King's Chimney and also the infamous Inaccessable Pinnacle, the most technical of all the Munros.

Epic stuff all, and thanks to everyone for these snaps. I have about 100 more but I hope you enjoy this selection.

Do you have Cuillin Aspirations? Why not let LMG be your host, or help you get ready for a Traverse of the Cuillin?

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